About myself

After graduating from Musicians Institute, I formed several bands, toured the London club circuit and eventually signed a recording/publishing – deal with the BMG, in co-operation with a Warner subsidiary as well as production company Sharpe, for whom I wrote- and recorded song material under the supervision of producer Hill Briggs (Madonna, Hot Chocolate).

In 2010, following six years of living in Tokyo, Japan, I relocated to Berlin, Germany, where I now reside and where I have been working as a professional musician for- and with Della Miles, Markus Siebert and Die Ballhausband, amongst others.

Besides working as a live- and studio musician, I have always been teaching guitar, including at music schools. Out of all my musical activities, teaching remains the one that I still enjoy the most. It gives me a great sense of accomplishment, to help students achieve their goals and to share the tricks and secrets I discovered on my own musical journey


Neoclassical Shred Arpeggio Sequence Guitar Lesson

Online Guitar Lesson – free 4 week trial (see description)

Please send me a message for online lesson inquiries or any other concerns.

    Han Hauser
    Email: mail@hanhauser.com
    Phone: +49 – (0)176 – 5506 3800